How to get offline maps

How to get offline maps

  1. Request credentials to get access to the maps downloading center.

  2. Login to the map downloading center: https://spb.navmii.com:5216/.

  3. Navigate to maps_release_public folder/<version>/. You will see folders representing maps of all the available countries and additional folders needed to render continents. The last part of the map folder name indicates the country 3-letter code.

  4. Download maps you need. Please note, there are 3 folders containing file needed to display continents. Download them as per your need.

    1. $com.WORLD.Beta.GLF.WRD – low detailed continents

    2. $com.WORLD.Beta.GLF.WRE – high detailed continents of the eastern hemisphere (Africa, Australia, Eurasia)

    3. $com.WORLD.Beta.GLF.WRW – high detailed continents of the western hemisphere (Northern and South Americas).

  5. On how to start using maps with Navmii SDK please refer to:

    1. Working with the SDK (v2.1.x – 2.2.x) (SDK Configuration Settings section)– for iOS

    2. SDK setup (v2.1.x - Android) | SDKConfigurationSettings – for Android


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