SDK Chart

Mapping TypeSDK VersionRelease DateStatusDocumentationLinkRepositoryOS Support






API Reference

Without Bitcode

With Bitcode

Repository for Swift Package Manager

iOS 9.0 and higher




Without Bitcode

With Bitcode

Repository for Swift Package Manager






API Reference


4.1 (API Level 16)




Mapping TypeVersionRelease DateStatusDocumentationLink
iOSOffline1.0.0.3429531.08.2016ReleaseAPI ReferenceDownload
AndroidOffline1.0.0.3716717.02.2017ReleaseAPI ReferenceDownload

Revision History


Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for Android v. (28.03.2023)

    • zoom levels now use logarithmic scale; all values are in the range [0; 18]; the higher zoom value is, the closer to the ground the position of the map camera is;
    • current map state is now saved inside MapView, which makes it easier to switch between multiple map views on different screens;
    • added getMapRectangleForCameraPosition() method to MapView;
    • added the ability to obtain more information about current road using currentRoadFeature property in NavigationInfo;
    • fixed some fonts related issues when rendering labels on map;
    • geofencing API (documentation);
    • route geofencing API (documentation)
    • configuring route polyline appearance (documentation);
    • added GeoCircle;
    • displaying POI icons on map in Online SDK;
    • added the capability to handle taps on POI icons on map;
    • improved routing quality on long routes;
    • improved geocoding in Online SDK;
    • fixed some minor issues and improved stability.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for Android v. (06.06.2022)

    • fixed some minor issues and improved stability.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for Android v. (20.02.2021)

    • fixed a bug which might cause wrong route length to be computed while snapping an external route;
    • fixed issue which might cause a Waypoint Reached event being called at wrong time;
    • fixed issue which might cause a Waypoint Reached direction being missed during navigation.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for Android v. (22.01.2021)

    • improved external route snapping quality;
    • added ability to record GPS path files using TrackRecorder class in "navigation" package;
    • a lot of minor fixes and improvements.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for Android v. (17.06.2020)

    • added ability to draw polygons on map;

    • minor fixes and improvements.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for Android v. (26.08.2019)

    • fixed issue caused crashes when calculating routes to some specific destinations;

    • improved quality of directions and navigation instructions;
    • changed formatting the destination info of a road (semicolon sign is replaced with comma and the whitespace following);
    • fixed issue caused navigation info to stop updating when moving on very high speed.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for Android v. (31.01.2019)

    • refactored routing and partially navigation parts of the API;
    • significantly improved routing quality;
    • a lot of minor fixes and improvements;
    • added ability to pass a path of coordinates to the SDK to calculate a route following the path.

Navmii Online SDK for Android v. (19.06.2017)

    • added ability to turn location services on and off
    • added ability to get route geometry
    • added ability to set point on screen where GPS position marker is set when when in following GPS position mode

Navmii Online SDK for Android v.

    • added x86 and x86_64 architectures
    • added an ability to use Drawable for geo marker images
    • added an ability to retrieve the list of map colour schemes and to choose one
    • fixed calling "onGeoObjectClick" callback after a geo marker has been added to the map
    • fixed incorrect route calculation status after route calculation


Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for iOS v.2.2.4 (13.10.2022)

    • route quality improvements;
    • added the option to specify completion blocks in SDK start and stop methods;
    • fixed some minor issues.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for iOS v.2.2.3 (03.06.2022)

    • fixed issue caused the stroke of an NMGeoPolygon not hiding when the polygon's 'hidden' property was set;
    • fixed some other minor issues.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for iOS v.2.2.1 (17.02.2021)

    • fixed a bug which might cause wrong route length to be computed while snapping an external route;
    • fixed issue which might cause a Waypoint Reached event being called at wrong time;
    • fixed issue which might cause a Waypoint Reached direction being missed during navigation.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for iOS v.2.2.0 (29.01.2021)

    • improved external route snapping quality;
    • iOS deployment target is 9.0;

    • added ability to add holes to NMGeoPolygons;

    • fixed issue caused polygon outline to remain visible on map after removing the polygon;

    • other improvements related to working with geo objects (markers, polylines, polygons) on map;
    • fixed issue of graphics not being paused if Navmii SDK is being started while the app is in background.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for iOS v.2.1.2 (25.03.2020)

    • added ability to set custom navigation coordinates and course;

    • added ability to snap coordinates synchronously;

    • added ability to draw polygons on map;

    • added ability to draw textured polylines on map;

    • other improvements related to working with geo objects (markers, polylines, polygons) on map;

    • fixed some POI search related issues.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for iOS v.2.1.1 (25.08.2019)

    • fixed issue caused crashes when calculating routes to some specific destinations;

    • added ability to record GPS path files using NMTrackRecorder;

    • improved quality of directions and navigation instructions;

    • changed formatting the destination info of a road (semicolon sign is replaced with comma and the whitespace following);

    • fixed issue caused navigation info to stop updating when moving on very high speed.

Navmii Online and Offline SDKs for iOS v.2.1.0 (31.01.2019)

    • refactored routing and partially navigation parts of the API;
    • significantly improved routing quality;
    • a lot of minor fixes and improvements.

Navmii Online SDK for iOS v. (08.07.2017)

    • fixed default value of the 'hidden' property of NMGeoMarker
    • fixed issue caused GPS location not being updated. Introducing two new methods of NMNavigationService class: - (void)startUpdatingLocation and - (void)stopUpdatingLocation. Using these methods you can manage when you want to start and stop location services usage. By default location services usage is switched off.
    • introducing property followsGpsCourse of NMMapView class. Using this property you can manage whether you want the map camera to follow the GPS course.
    • please note that some methods of NMCameraController were renamed. Also NMCameraController introduces several new methods: 

      - (void)animateCameraTargetLocation:duration:completion:
      - (void)animateCameraZoom:duration:completion:
      - (void)animateCameraPitch:duration:completion:
      - (void)animateCameraHeading:duration:completion:

      Use these methods to animate certain map camera parameters. These methods can be useful if you want to animate map camera parameters during another animation (for example, during the navigation when map camera follows the GPS location).

Navmii Online SDK for iOS v. (17.06.2017)

    • fixed issue causing geo markers being removed from map immediately after adding
    • added ability to get route geometry
    • reduced SDK size
    • added bitcode support

Navmii Online SDK for iOS v.

    • added an ability to use UIImage for geo marker images
    • added an ability to use the SDK without setting NMMapView
    • fixed issue preventing the SDK work in background