Customising The Map Look

Customising The Map Look


Pathway Pro navigation engine (powering both Navmii Applications and Pathway Pro Mobile SDKs) provides a highly customisable map renderer configured by map colour schemes. It is possible to create colour schemes (for example, for day and night driving, pedestrian mode etc.) and switch them dynamically at a runtime.

Each colour scheme allows to customise:

  • road colours
  • road widths and road outline
  • road presence at a particular zoom level
  • road font style (including font outline)
  • route number look
  • city labels font style (per city class)
  • map background colour
  • polygon fill colour 
  • water area style
  • polygons font style
  • maximum zoom level for house numbers
  • traffic colour and texture
  • GPS position cursor image
  • skybox background image
  • border line style
  • ferry route style
  • tunnels style
  • bridges style
  • direction arrow style and colour
  • various graphic textures (e.g. finish flag)

Most of the items above can be customised per country. E.g. road color may be different for UK and France in the same application.

Map colour schemes are stored in a style set folder and described by a ResourcesSdk2.json file which shall reside in the root of the folder containing the style set.

Getting started

If you're working on the map colour schemes in the Pathway Pro SDK repository, follow /wiki/spaces/NS/pages/3522003005 for further information.

If you're creating a custom map colour scheme as a user of the Pathway Pro SDK, proceed to the next chapter.

Map style folder structure

If you're working on the map colour schemes in the Pathway Pro SDK repository, follow /wiki/spaces/NS/pages/3522035787 for further information.

Map folder structure is flexible: none of the files, except ResourcesSdk2.json are required. Folder structure and file names are defined in ResourcesSdk2.json.

The most primitive SDK core scheme will consist of:

  • at least one Fonts.col file for font aliases
  • at least one MyMap.col file for Roads and polygons styling
  • one MyCities.col file for City/Towns labels
  • one RouteNumbers.col file for route numbers
  • two zoom table files for 2D and 3D

The most primitive color scheme you will create may consist of:

  • one MyStyle.json (or MyStyle.col) override file
  • other required files will be inherited from the core SDK scheme

Setting up a test environment

If you're working on the map colour schemes in the Pathway Pro SDK repository, follow /wiki/spaces/NS/pages/3522134025 for information on how to set up the test environment.

If you're creating a custom map colour scheme as a user of the Pathway Pro SDK, follow this link for a detailed example of creating a small custom map colour scheme.

Explaining a map color scheme


Each scheme must be added to the ResourcesSdk2.json screens.schemes array for the Pathway Pro SDK to be able to use it.

See an example of the ResourcesSdk2.json file in the end of this chapter for reference. It defines one screen object for screens up to 500 dpi and one colour scheme with id Day-Car@2x.

Below you can find description of the objects used in the ResourcesSdk2.json file.

Screen object

Defines set of color schemes (styles) for a certain DPI. Application will pick up style automatically trying to match the closest DPI range from the "screen" array. If only one screen element is available it will be used for all DPI's

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionMandatory?
namestringFriendly name of the screen resolutionYes
maxDPIintMaximum screen DPI the style set will be used forYes
schemesarrayList of styles (color schemes)Yes (at least one)

Scheme object

Defines parameters of map style. ResourcesSdk2.json has to have at least one scheme added.

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionMandatory?
idstringID which will be used in API to load the schemeYes
vehicleTypeenumType of vehicle this scheme will be load for. Use "*" to use the scheme with all vehicle types.Yes
isNightarrayNight or Day scheme. In case night scheme is missing in the list, day scheme will be loadedYes
fontFilesarrayDefines set of fonts used for map styling. You can add one file per operating system plus one default. See "FontFile" object also.Yes
routeNumberPathsarrayList of paths to RouteNumber.col files defining look of Route ShieldsNo
zoomTableFilesarrayList of ZoomTableFiles defining Road Rending layers. Use default one unless advised by Pathway Pro developers. See also "ZoomTableFile" objectYes
colorFilesarrayList of color files defining your map style. See "ColorFile" object also. In case you have more than one, files will override each other following the order they appear in configuration.Yes

FontFile object

Defines set of fonts used for map styling for a given Operating System 

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionMandatory?
platformstringName of the OS they file used for. Use "*" for a default entry.Yes
pathstringPath to the font configuration file.Yes

ZoomTableFile object

Defines set of roads selected from map db for rendering for each zoom level for a given map projection. 

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionMandatory?
typeenumEither 2D or 3DYes
pathstringPath to the configuration file.Yes

ColorFile object

Defines location of color file used for styling

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionMandatory?
idstringUnique file id for the schemeYes

Path to the configuration file.

  • .col file for default style
  • .json or .col file for style overrides
  • .col file for localities labels configuration file
countriesarrayList of territory ID's the color file will be applied to. Use "*" for default entryYes
High-Dpi, Car, Day color scheme
	"file": "Pathway Pro Map Rasteriser Config",
	"version": "2.0.0",
	"screens": [
			"name": "High DPI Screens",
			"maxDPI": 500,
			"schemes": [
					"id": "Day-Car@2x",
					"vehicleType": "PASSENGER_CAR",
					"isNight": false,
					"fontFiles": [
							"platform": "*",
							"path": "screen@2x/fonts/Default.col"
							"platform": "ANDROID",
							"path": "screen@2x/fonts/Android.col"
							"platform": "IOS",
							"path": "screen@2x/fonts/iOs.col"
					"routeNumberPaths": [
					"zoomTableFiles": [
							"type": "2D",
							"path": "screen@2x/zoomTables/Default-2D.col"
							"type": "3D",
							"path": "screen@2x/zoomTables/Default-3D.col"
					"colorFiles": [
							"id": "day-2x-main",
							"path": "screen@2x/schemes/day/Default.col",
							"countries": [
							"id": "day-2x-cities",
							"path": "shared/day/Cities.col",
							"countries": [
							"id": "day-2x-gbr",
							"path": "screen@2x/schemes/day/Default-GBR.json",
							"countries": [
							"id": "day-2x-closed",
							"path": "screen@2x/schemes/day/closed.json",
							"countries": [

Creating an inherited map colour scheme

It is possible to re-use an existing color scheme with overrides to create a new color scheme. A good example would be a pedestrian color scheme which is overriding GPS position cursor icon and road colours without defining every required scheme attribute.

  • Use BaseSchemeID to reference base scheme.
  • Define a new ID for the inherited scheme
  • Add overriding .col or .json files to the corresponding blocks

Inherited color scheme
	"file": "Pathway Pro Map Rasteriser Config",
	"version": "2.0.0",
	"screens": [
			"name": "High DPI Screens",
			"maxDPI": 500,
			"schemes": [
					"id": "Day-Car@2x",
					"vehicleType": "PASSENGER_CAR",
					"isNight": false,
					"fontFiles": [
							"platform": "*",
							"path": "screen@2x/fonts/Default.col"
							"platform": "ANDROID",
							"path": "screen@2x/fonts/Android.col"
							"platform": "IOS",
							"path": "screen@2x/fonts/iOs.col"
					"routeNumberPaths": [
					"zoomTableFiles": [
							"type": "2D",
							"path": "screen@2x/zoomTables/Default-2D.col"
							"type": "3D",
							"path": "screen@2x/zoomTables/Default-3D.col"
					"colorFiles": [
							"id": "day-2x-main",
							"path": "screen@2x/schemes/day/Default.col",
							"countries": [
							"id": "day-2x-cities",
							"path": "shared/day/Cities.col",
							"countries": [
							"id": "day-2x-gbr",
							"path": "screen@2x/schemes/day/Default-GBR.json",
							"countries": [
							"id": "day-2x-closed",
							"path": "screen@2x/schemes/day/closed.json",
							"countries": [
            "baseSchemeID": "Day-Car@2x",
            "id": "Day-Pedestrian@2x",
            "vehicleType": "PEDESTRIAN",
            "colorFiles": [
                    "id": "day-2x-walking",
                    "path": "screen@2x/schemes/day/Walking.json",
                    "countries": [
                    "id": "day-2x-walking-gbr",
                    "path": "screen@2x/schemes/day/Walking-GBR.json",
                    "countries": [

Customising map colour schemes


You may use default font styling from SDK core scheme if you don't want to change font styles on your map

Each font configuration file contains list of font aliases which can be used in main styling files you will create for color schemes. 

Fonts file format

  • Each meaningful line has to start with FONT or SYSTEM_FONT tag.
  • Lines starting with  "//" are treated as comment lines and will be ignored.
  • Empty lines are ignored
  • Line values are separated by either [SPACE] or [TAB]

System Font Mapping


Defines system font aliases for each locale and font type (bold, italic etc)

TAGLine identifierSYSTEM_FONT
Font FaceSystem Font AliasRoad-Font

Specific locale this font should be used for. Possible options are:

  • default
  • Chinese
  • Thai
  • Cyrillic
  • NearEast
ItalicFont styleYes/No
BoldFont WeightYes/No
System FontOS font mappingHelveticaNeue
System Font Aliases (iOS.col)
//	Pathway Pro Map Renderer System Font Mapping
//	 - FileVer: Version of the color file
//	 - Dpi: DPI (1x, 2x, 3x)
//	TAG  	Date           	FileVer	Dpi    	ColorSchemeType	VehicleType
	VERSION	27/12/2016     	2.0    	2x     	n/a            	n/a

//       		     Font Face	    Locale		Bold	Italic      System Font
    SYSTEM_FONT  	"Road-Font"	    default 	No		No			"HelveticaNeue"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Font"	    default    	Yes		No			"HelveticaNeue-Medium"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Font"	    default    	No		Yes			"HelveticaNeue-Italic"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Font"	    default    	Yes		Yes			"HelveticaNeue-BoldItalic"

    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Number"	default		No		No			"HelveticaNeue-CondensedBold"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Number"	default		Yes		No			"HelveticaNeue-CondensedBold"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Number"	NearEast   	No		No			"ArialMT"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Number"	NearEast   	Yes		No			"Arial-BoldMT"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Number"	Chinese    	No		No			"STHeitiSC-Medium"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Number"	Thai    	No		No			"Thonburi"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"Road-Number"	Thai    	Yes		No			"Thonburi-Bold"

    SYSTEM_FONT		"City-Font"     default		No		No			"AvenirNext-DemiBold"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"City-Font"     default		Yes		No			"AvenirNext-Bold"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"City-Font"	    default		Yes		Yes			"AvenirNext-DemiBoldItalic"
    SYSTEM_FONT		"City-Font"	    default		No		Yes			"AvenirNext-Italic"
//  SYSTEM_FONT		"City-Font"	    Thai    	No		No			"Thonburi"
//  SYSTEM_FONT		"City-Font"	    Thai    	Yes		No			"Thonburi-Bold"

 Styling Fonts mapping


Defines mapping between system aliases and styling aliases

TAGLine identifierFONT
Font IDStyling Font alias (or ID) unique per OS font fileRoadFont-24; MyFontForRoads
Font FaceSystem Font Alias from Default.colRoad-Font
Font SizeFont size in pixels24.0
Border SizeFont outline (border) width in pixels1.0
Feather SizeBlurred outline size (shadow)0.0
Font Weight1.0 for normal, 2.0 for bold
ItalicFont styleYes/No
Feather offsetShadow direction{1.0, 1.0}
Styling font aliases (Default.col)
// Roads
//        Font ID        Font Face						Font Size   Border Size   Feather Size   Font Weight  Italic   Feather Offset
    FONT  RoadFont-24   "Road-Font"						24.0        1.0           0.0            1.0          No       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  RoadFont-22   "Road-Font"						22.0        1.0           0.0            1.0          No       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  RoadFont-20   "Road-Font"						20.0        1.0           0.0            1.0          No       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  RoadFont-18   "Road-Font"						18.0        1.0           0.0            1.0          No       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  RoadFont-16   "Road-Font"						16.0        1.0           0.0            1.0          No       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  RoadFont-14   "Road-Font"						14.0        1.0           0.0            1.0          No       {0.0, 0.0}

// Areas
//        Font ID           Font Face				Font Size   Border Size   Feather Size   Font Weight  Italic   Feather Offset
    FONT  AreasFont         "Road-Font"				12.0        0.0          0.0            0.0        Yes       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  LandFont          "Road-Font"				10.0        0.0          0.0            0.0         No       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  AeroportFont      "City-Font"             22.0        0.0          0.0            2.0        Yes       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  RiverFont         "Road-Font"             12.0        0.0          0.0            0.0        Yes       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  RailwayFont_High  "Road-Font"             14.0        1.0          0.0            0.0        Yes       {0.0, 0.0}
    FONT  RailwayFont_Low   "Road-Font"             20.0        1.0          0.0            0.0        Yes       {0.0, 0.0}

Road styling

Road styling is defined in one of the color files you added in "colorFiles" array of your scheme. One color file may contain different types of styling defined by "TAG" attribute of each line. Each color file may cover just a certain territory overriding default road styles. Further information about style overrides is described in "Creating territory styling" section.


Defines styles and visibility of road classes at every zoom level. 

Road Class Visibility

It is not recommended to change visibility of road class at zoom levels as it may affect rendering engine performance. If you decide to amend visibility you should be aware that:

  • Commented line ("//") is ignored by renderer and in case road functional class presents in zoom table, road styling will be defaulted (red in debug, light grey in release). 
  • To actually hide (not to render) certain type of road at a particular zoom level, set its width to 0.
TAGstringLine identifierROADalways "ROAD"

Road functional class.

0 - motorways

1 - A-class roads

2 - B-class roads

3 - Major roads

4 - Major city roads

5,6 - Other roads

7 - pedestrian roads

Zoom Levelint

Map zoom level the style is for.

0 - less details (higher),

19 - more details (lower)

ColorstringRoad color in ARGB format00E65929
Border ColorstringRoad outline color in ARGB format00B1181C
Label ColourstringRoad name label font color00000000
Label Outline ColourstringRoad name outline font color4DFFFFFF
WidthdoubleRoad width, including border52.0
Border WidthdoubleRoad outline width in pixels. 0 - no border.2.0
Road NameboolRender road name or notYes/No
Arrow ColourstringOne-way arrow colour in ARGB format00FFFFFF
Arrow Outline ColourstringOne-way arrow outline colour in ARGB format00FFFFFFobsolete?
FontIDstringFont alias from font file (TAG: FONT)RoadFont-24
A/Alias.boolUse antialiasing to render road lineYes/No
TextureNamestringRelative path to texture used for line rendering (e.g for pedestrian roads). Use "null" for normal rendering

Route Numberenum

Defines how to render Route Number.

  • TEXT - render Route Number as text (similar to road name)
  • SHLD - render Route Number as shield (style is defined in RouteNumbers.col)
  • "-"       - render Road Name instead Route Number
Styling Roads (Default.col)
//	Road Functional Class 0: motorways
//	 - FC: Functional Class
//	 - Zoom: Map Zoom
//	 - Color: ARGB Road color
//	 - BorderColor: ARGB Road outline (border)
//	 - Width: If set to 0, stops rendering road on map. Comment the line to stop reading roads of this type from the DB
//	 - BrdrWidth: Road outline width
//	 - RoadName: Render road name or not
//	 - ArrCol: Oneway roads arrow color
//	 - ArrOutlineCol: Oneway roads arrow outline color
//	 - FontID: Font ID from fonts.col file of the color scheme
//	 - A/Alias.: Use antialiasing for line rendering
//	 - TextureName: Path to a texture to render road with
//	 - RoadNumber: {"-": hide road number, "TEXT": Render road number as text, "SHLD": Render road name as shield}
//	TAG  	FC	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID         	A/Alias.	TextureName             	RouteNumber

	ROAD 	0 	0   	00E65929	00B1181C   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	52.0 	2.0      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-24    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	0 	1   	00E65929	00B1181C   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	40.0 	2.0      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-24    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	0 	2   	00E65929	00B1181C   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	26.0 	2.0      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-20    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	0 	3   	00E65929	00B1181C   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	16.0 	2.0      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-20    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	0 	4   	00E65929	00B1181C   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	8.0  	1.8      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         

	ROAD 	0 	5   	00E65929	00B1181C   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	5.2  	1.2      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	0 	6   	00E65929	00B45332   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	4.6  	1.2      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	0 	7   	00E65929	00B45332   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	3.2  	1.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	0 	8   	00E65929	00B45332   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	2.4  	0.8      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	0 	9   	00E65929	00B45332   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	2.2  	0.8      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	0 	10  	00E65929	00B45332   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.4  	0.6      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	0 	11  	00E65929	00B45332   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.4  	0.5      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	0 	12  	00E65929	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.6  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	0 	13  	00E65929	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.4  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	0 	14  	00E65929	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.9  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	0 	15  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
//	ROAD 	0 	16  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
//	ROAD 	0 	17  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
//	ROAD 	0 	18  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
//	ROAD 	0 	19  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         

//	Road Functional Class 1: green, A-class
//	TAG  	FC	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID         	A/Alias.	TextureName             	RoadNumber

	ROAD 	1 	0   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	48.0 	2.0      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-24    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	1 	1   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	36.0 	2.0      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-24    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	1 	2   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	22.0 	2.0      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-20    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	1 	3   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	14.0 	2.0      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	1 	4   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	8.0  	1.8      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	1 	5   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	5.2  	1.2      	Yes     	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	1 	6   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	4DFFFFFF       	4.4  	1.2      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	1 	7   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	2.8  	1.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	1 	8   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	2.4  	0.8      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	1 	9   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.4  	0.6      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	1 	10  	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.2  	0.6      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	1 	11  	00B69E1C	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.4  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	1 	12  	00B69E1C	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.4  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	1 	13  	00B69E1C	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	1 	14  	00B69E1C	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	00FFFFFF	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	1 	15  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.6  	0.5      	No      	00000000	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	1 	16  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.3      	No      	00000000	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	1 	17  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.3      	No      	00000000	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	1 	18  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.3      	No      	00000000	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	1 	19  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	00000000	00FFFFFF     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	Road Functional Class 2: B-class, orange
//	TAG  	FC	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID         	A/Alias.	TextureName             	RoadNumber

	ROAD 	2 	0   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	33FFFFFF       	40.0 	2.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-24    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	2 	1   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	33FFFFFF       	30.0 	2.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-24    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	2 	2   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	33FFFFFF       	22.0 	2.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-20    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	2 	3   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	33FFFFFF       	14.0 	1.8      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	2 	4   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00402905	33FFFFFF       	8.0  	1.6      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	2 	5   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00402905	33FFFFFF       	5.2  	1.2      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	2 	6   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00402905	33FFFFFF       	4.4  	1.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	2 	7   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00402905	33FFFFFF       	3.0  	1.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	2 	8   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00402905	00FFFFFF       	2.4  	0.8      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	2 	9   	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00402905	00FFFFFF       	1.2  	0.6      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

	ROAD 	2 	10  	00F8F146	00FEB41A   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.8  	0.6      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	2 	11  	00B69E1C	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	2 	12  	00B69E1C	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.8  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	2 	13  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.2  	0.5      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	2 	14  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.9  	0.5      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	2 	15  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.9  	0.5      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	2 	16  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	2 	17  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	2 	18  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	2 	19  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	Road Functional Class 3: Important city roads
//	TAG  	FC	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID         	A/Alias.	TextureName             	RoadNumber

	ROAD 	3 	0   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	40.0 	2.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-22    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	3 	1   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	30.0 	2.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-22    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	3 	2   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	22.0 	2.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	3 	3   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	12.0  	1.6      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	3 	4   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	8.0  	1.4      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	3 	5   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	4.8  	1.2      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	3 	6   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	3.6  	1.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	3 	7   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	2.8  	1.0      	Yes      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	3 	8   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.8  	0.6      	Yes      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	3 	9   	00B69E1C	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

	ROAD 	3 	10  	00B69E1C	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	3 	11  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.4  	0.5      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	3 	12  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.8  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	3 	13  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.8  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	3 	14  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	3 	15  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	3 	16  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	3 	17  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	3 	18  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.5  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	3 	19  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.5  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	Road Functional Class 4: big city road (av. Hoche)
//	TAG  	FC	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID         	A/Alias.	TextureName             	RoadNumber

	ROAD 	4 	0   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	36.0 	1.6      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-22    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	4 	1   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	26.0 	1.6      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-20    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	4 	2   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	18.0 	1.4      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	4 	3   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	10.0  	1.2      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	4 	4   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	6.0  	1.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	TEXT         
	ROAD 	4 	5   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	4.8  	1.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	4 	6   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	3.6  	1.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-14    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	4 	7   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	1.2 	0.8      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	SHLD         
	ROAD 	4 	8   	00EDDAAC	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.8  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	9   	00ff0000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	4 	10  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	11  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	12  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	13  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	14  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	4 	15  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	16  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	17  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	18  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	4 	19  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	Road Functional Class 5
//	TAG  	FC	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID         	A/Alias.	TextureName             	RoadNumber

	ROAD 	5 	0   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	24.0 	1.4      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-22    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	5 	1   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	20.0 	1.4      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-20    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	5 	2   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	14.0  	1.2      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-18    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	5 	3   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	0041362E	40FFFFFF       	8.0  	1.2      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	5 	4   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	0041362E	80FFFFFF       	4.0  	1.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-14    	Yes     	null                    	-         

	ROAD 	5 	5   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00736E67	80FFFFFF       	1.4  	0.8      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-14    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	5 	6   	00EDDAAC	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	no      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-14    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	5 	7   	00EDDAAC	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	no      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-14    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	8   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	9   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	5 	10  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	11  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	12  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	13  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	14  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	5 	15  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	16  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	17  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	18  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	5 	19  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	Road Functional Class 6
//	TAG  	FC	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID         	A/Alias.	TextureName             	RoadNumber

	ROAD 	6 	0   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	20.0 	1.4      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-22    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	6 	1   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	10.0 	1.2      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-20    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	6 	2   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	5.0  	1.2      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	6 	3   	00FFFFFF	00E0D19C   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	3.0  	0.8      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	6 	4   	00EDDAAC	00000000   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	1.2  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

	ROAD 	6 	5   	00EDDAAC	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	6   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	7   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	8   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	9   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	6 	10  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	11  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	12  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	13  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	14  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	6 	15  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	16  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	17  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	18  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	6 	19  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	Road Functional Class 7
//	TAG  	FC	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID         	A/Alias.	TextureName             	RoadNumber

	ROAD 	7 	0   	00F7F5F0	00B5B2AD   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	3.0  	1.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	7 	1   	00F7F5F0	00B5B2AD   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	3.0  	0.6      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	7 	2   	00F7F5F0	00B5B2AD   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	2.0  	0.6      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	7 	3   	00F7F5F0	00B5B2AD   	00443B2D	00FFFFFF       	2.0  	0.6      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
	ROAD 	7 	4   	00F7F5F0	00B5B2AD   	003E3F3E	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

	ROAD 	7 	5   	00B5B2AD	00000000   	003E3F3E	00FFFFFF       	0.5  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	6   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	7   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.7  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	8   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	9   	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	7 	10  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	11  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	12  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	13  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	14  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

//	ROAD 	7 	15  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	16  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	17  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	18  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         
//	ROAD 	7 	19  	00000000	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RoadFont-16    	Yes     	null                    	-         

Waterways, Railways, Ferry routes styling

Waterways, Railways, Ferry routes styling is defined in one of the color files you added in "colorFiles" array of your scheme. One color file may contain different types of styling defined by "TAG" attribute of each line. Each color file may cover just a certain territory overriding default styles. Further information about style overrides is described in "Creating territory styling" section.


Defines styles and visibility of features represented by a line at each zoom level. 

Road Class Visibility

It is not recommended to change visibility of these features per zoom levels as it may affect rendering engine performance. If you decide to amend visibility you should be aware that:

  • All zoom level are mandatory. Do not comment line for a particular zoom level.
  • To actually hide (not to render) feature at a particular zoom level, set its width to 0.
TAGstringLine identifierLINEalways "LINE"

Feature type identifier



Zoom Levelint

Map zoom level the style is for.

0 - less details (higher),

19 - more details (lower)

ColorstringLine color in ARGB format00E65929
Border ColorstringOutline color in ARGB format00B1181C
Label ColourstringName label font color00000000
Label Outline ColourstringName outline font color4DFFFFFF
WidthdoubleLine width, including border52.0
Border WidthdoubleLine outline width in pixels. 0 - no outline (borderless).2.0
NameboolRender name label or notYes/No
Arrow Colourstringnot applicable

Arrow Outline Colourstringnot applicable

FontIDstringFont alias from font file (TAG: FONT)RiverFont
A/Alias.boolUse antialiasing to render road lineYes/No
TextureNamestringRelative path to texture used for line rendering. Use "null" for normal line rendering"texturesPDA\railway.png"

Water way styling
//	TAG  	Type           	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID              	A/Alias.	TextureName         

	LINE 	WATERWAY       	0   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	6.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	1   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	6.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	2   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	3.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	3   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	3.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	4   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	5   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	6   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.6  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	7   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	8   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	9   	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	10  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	11  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	12  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	13  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	14  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	15  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	16  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	17  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	18  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	WATERWAY       	19  	0098CAED	002F5CA7   	0012507B	00244781       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                

//	TAG  	Type           	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID              	A/Alias.	TextureName         

	LINE 	RAILWAY        	0   	00DFE1E5	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	2.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_Low     	No      	"texturesPDA\railway.png"
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	1   	00DFE1E5	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	2.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_Low     	No      	"texturesPDA\railway.png"
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	2   	00DFE1E5	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	"texturesPDA\railway.png"
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	3   	00DFE1E5	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	"texturesPDA\railway.png"
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	4   	00DFE1E5	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	"texturesPDA\railway2.png"
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	5   	00DFE1E5	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	1.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	"texturesPDA\railway2.png"
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	6   	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.4  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	"texturesPDA\railway2.png"
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	7   	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.4  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	8   	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	9   	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00000000	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	10  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	12  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	13  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	14  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	15  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	16  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	17  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	18  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                
	LINE 	RAILWAY        	19  	00C7C9CD	00000000   	00112465	00FFFFFF       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RailwayFont_High    	No      	null                

//	TAG  	Type           	Zoom	Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	RoadName	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	FontID              	A/Alias.	TextureName         

	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	0   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	2.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	1   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	2.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	2   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	2.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	3   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	2.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	4   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	2.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	5   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	6   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	7   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	8   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	9   	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes     	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	10  	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.5  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	11  	00599ED4	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.5  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	12  	0083A3C1	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.5  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	13  	0083A3C1	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	14  	0083A3C1	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	15  	0083A3C1	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	16  	0083A3C1	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	17  	0083A3C1	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	18  	0083A3C1	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                
	LINE 	FERRY_CONNECTOR	19  	0083A3C1	00000000   	0012507B	00000000       	0.0  	0.0      	No      	007687DE	007687DE     	RiverFont           	No      	null                

Border Line styling

Border lines styling is defined in one of the color files you added in "colorFiles" array of your scheme. One color file may contain different types of styling defined by "TAG" attribute of each line. Each color file may cover just a certain territory overriding default styles. Further information about style overrides is described in "Creating territory styling" section.


Defines styles and visibility of national and regional borders on map

Road Class Visibility

It is not recommended to change visibility of these features per zoom levels as it may affect rendering engine performance. If you decide to amend visibility you should be aware that:

To hide (not to render) border at a particular zoom level, put comment marks in the beginning of the line

TAGstringLine identifierLINEalways "LINE"
Zoom Levelint

Map zoom level the style is for.

0 - less details (higher),

19 - more details (lower)


Border type identifier



ISOHYPSE lines are optional and depends on type of map.

ColorstringLine color in ARGB format00862500
Border ColorstringOutline color in ARGB formatE6B14C00
Label ColourstringName label font color00FFFFFF
Label Outline ColourstringName outline font color0000000000000000 - no outline?
WidthdoubleLine width, including border2.0
Border WidthdoubleLine outline width in pixels. 0 - no outline (borderless).5.3
NameboolRender name label or notYes/No
Arrow Colourstringnot applicable

Arrow Outline Colourstringnot applicable

FontIDstringFont alias from font file (TAG: FONT)RoadFont-12
A/Alias.boolUse antialiasing to render road lineYes/No
TextureNamestringRelative path to texture used for line rendering. Use "null" for normal rendering"texturesPDA\dash.png"
Border Line Styling
//	Country Border Lines
//	TAG  	Zoom	Type			Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	Name	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	A/Alias.	TextureName         
	BORDER	0   	NATIONAL		00862500	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.8  	4.5      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	BORDER	1   	NATIONAL		00862500	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.8  	4.5      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	BORDER	2   	NATIONAL		00862500	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.8  	4.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	BORDER	3   	NATIONAL		00862500	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.8  	4.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	BORDER	4   	NATIONAL		00862500	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.8  	4.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	BORDER	5   	NATIONAL		00862500	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.8  	4.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\ferry.png"                
	BORDER	6   	NATIONAL		00968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.8  	4.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	7   	NATIONAL		00968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.8  	4.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	8   	NATIONAL		00968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.8  	4.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	9   	NATIONAL		00968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.6  	3.4      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	10  	NATIONAL		00968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.6  	3.4      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	11  	NATIONAL		00968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.6  	3.4      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	12  	NATIONAL		00968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.4  	2.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	13  	NATIONAL		00968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.4  	2.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	14  	NATIONAL		40968282	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.4  	2.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	15  	NATIONAL		D95c5c5c	00ffffff   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.8  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	16  	NATIONAL		D95c5c5c	00ffffff   	60FFFFFF	00000000       	1.6  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	17  	NATIONAL		D95c5c5c	00ffffff   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.4  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	18  	NATIONAL		00ccc9c3	855c5c5c   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.6  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	19  	NATIONAL		00ccc9c3	855c5c5c   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.6  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null

//	Regional Borders (States, Counties)
//	TAG  	Zoom	Type			Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	Name	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	A/Alias.	TextureName         
	BORDER	0   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	3.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	1   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	3.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	2   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	3.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	3   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	4.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	4   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	4.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	5   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	4.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	6   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	4.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	7   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	3.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	8   	REGIONAL		33efefef	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	2.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	9   	REGIONAL		00dddddd	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	10  	REGIONAL		00333333	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	"texturesPDA\dash.png"                
	BORDER	11  	REGIONAL		00e3dad0	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	12  	REGIONAL		00e3dad0	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	13  	REGIONAL		00e3dad0	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	14  	REGIONAL		00e3dad0	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.0  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
//	BORDER	15  	REGIONAL		D95c5c5c	00ffffff   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.8  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
//	BORDER	16  	REGIONAL		D95c5c5c	00ffffff   	60FFFFFF	00000000       	1.6  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
//	BORDER	17  	REGIONAL		D95c5c5c	00ffffff   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	1.4  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
//	BORDER	18  	REGIONAL		00ccc9c3	855c5c5c   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.6  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
//	BORDER	19  	REGIONAL		00ccc9c3	855c5c5c   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.6  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null  

//	ISOHYPSE Lines (heights)
//	TAG  	Zoom	Type			Color   	BorderColor	LabelCol	LabelOutlineCol	Width	BrdrWidth	Name	ArrCol  	ArrOutlineCol	A/Alias.	TextureName         
	BORDER	0   	ISOHYPSE		00cac7bf	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.8  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	1   	ISOHYPSE		00cac7bf	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.8  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
	BORDER	2   	ISOHYPSE		00cac7bf	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.8  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null               
	BORDER	3   	ISOHYPSE		00cac7bf	E6B14C00   	00FFFFFF	00000000       	0.8  	0.0      	Yes 	00000000	00000000     	Yes     	null                
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