Appearance (v2.1.x – 2.2.x)
You can set up the way the map will be rendered on screen using NMMapView's loadMapScheme: method which takes the name of a map colour scheme as the parameter. To get full list of all available map colour schemes use availableMapSchemes readonly property.
//logs out all available map schemes names NSArray <NSString *> *mapSchemes = [mapView availableMapSchemes]; for (NSString *scheme in mapSchemes) { NSLog(@"%@", scheme); } //set current map color scheme to "Day-Pedesrian@2x" [mapView loadMapScheme:@"Day-Pedestrian@2x"];
To find out how to create custom map colour schemes and how to load those check out the following article: Creating a custom colour scheme.
NavmiiSDK automatically detects day/night changes using current coordinates and time. You can implement NMDayNightChangeListener to be able to react to these changes. Use availableMapSchemes property and loadMapScheme: method of NMMapView to set an appropriate map colour scheme. Use isInDayMode property of NMMapView to get the current value of day/night detector.
You also can set up the color the route line will be rendered with using routeLineColor property.
//sets route line color to red mapView.routeLineColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0 alpha:1.f];