POI Helper
POI Helper
To provide you with a convenient way to handle POI representation there is a poiCategoryHelper property in NMSdk singleton instance. This property is a NMPoiCategoryHelper instance. There are three groups in with all the POIs are divided in Navmii SDK:
- road events
- speed cameras
- all the other POIs
You can retrieve a NSArray of NMPoiCategories belonging to each of this groups separately using these readonly properties: roadEventCategories, speedCameraCategories and poiCategories respectively. For the info on NMPoiCategory please refer to POI CATEGORY section.
NSArray <NMPoiCategory *> *roadEvents = [NMSdk sharedInstance].poiCategoryHelper.roadEventCategories; NSArray <NMPoiCategory *> *speedCameras = [NMSdk sharedInstance].poiCategoryHelper.speedCameraCategories; NSArray <NMPoiCategory *> *poiCategories = [NMSdk sharedInstance].poiCategoryHelper.poiCategories;
The NMPoiHelper allows to:
- check if a category with the ID number exists
- check if a category is displayed on the map
- make a category displayed/hidden on the map
- get an UIImage for a category
- get a NMPoiCategory from a NSInteger representing the category ID number
NMPoiCategoryHelper *helper = [NMSdk sharedInstance].poiCategoryHelper; //logs out 1 if the category exists or 0 if it doesn't NSLog(@"POI category with number %d exists - %d", someInt, (int)[helper isPoiCategoryExist:someInt]); //logs out 1 if the category is displayed on the map and 0 if it isn't NSLog(@"POI category with number %d is shown on map - %d", number, (int)[helper isPoiCategoryDisplayedOnMap:number]); //hides all POIs belonging to the category [helper setPoiCategory:number displayedOnMap:NO]; //fetches the image associated with the category UIImage *image = [helper poiCategoryImage:categoryNumber]; //creates a NMPoiCategory from a number NMPoiCategory *poiCategory = [helper poiCategoryById:categoryNumber];
NMPoiCategory has the following info:
- name
- category ID number
- zoom level
- a BOOL value indicating if POIs belonging to the category should be displayed on the map
NSLog(@"category name - %@", category.name); NSLog(@"category ID number - %d", (int)category.categoryId); NSLog(@"category zoom level - %d", category. zoomLevel); NSLog(@"should be displayed on map - %d", category.shouldDisplayOnMap);
You can instantiate a NMPoiCategory using initWithName:categoryId:zoomLevel:shouldDisplayOnMap: method.
, multiple selections available,
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