Route emulation (v2.1.x - Android)

It’s possible to emulate route navigation for demonstration purposes using the RouteEmulator object returned from the Sdk.getRouteEmulator() method.

To start emulation, first calculate a route, then pass it to the startEmulation() method. To change the speed used for the emulation, use the setRequiredSpeed() method and to stop it, use stopEmulation().

Using the addListener() method, a listener can also be added to receive notifications when route emulation starts or ends.


private final RouteEmulator.Listener routeEmulatorListener = new RouteEmulator.Listener() { @Override public void onEmulationStarted() { Toast.makeText( activity, "Route emulation started", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public void onEmulationFinished() { Toast.makeText( activity, "Route emulation finished", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }; RouteEmulator routeEmulator = sdk.getRouteEmulator(); routeEmulator.addListener(routeEmulatorListener); routeEmulator.startEmulation(calculatedRoute, 65);


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